We Three Kings

(THIS is the Christmas re-post I was looking for! And Yes, there are plenty of M&M's scattered around the house for Christmas 2011)

I love the solemn thoughts of this season, remembering blessings and sharing blessings.

But sometimes I get a little silly. I just can't help myself.
It all started with M&M Guy lights....

They were a gift. Not something I would have chosen to represent the Christmas season, but cute. And the kiddies of the house LOVED them, ensuring an obsession with them for years to come.

And then, what tree would be complete without a Christmas train?

Before I knew it, we were singing this:
(too the tune of We Three Kings)

We three stinks of Oregon are
brewing gifts as we travel through bars
field and fountain, over big mountains
we hope we don't crash the car.
With big heads and bigger hearts
we walk slow because we're ole' farts
Sing forever of seasoned leather
bring us some Christmas tarts.



  1. Yay, Christmas pics!

    We sang that song differently in college:

    We three kings of Orient are,
    Tried to smoke a rubber cigar.
    It was loaded
    It exploded

    We two kings of Orient are,
    Tried to smoke a rubber cigar.
    It was loaded
    It exploded... etc.

    Yeah, college... we were really juvenile.

  2. Oh my gosh, the looks on the M&M's faces at the manger just killed me!!! ROFL!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Now from the lost land of America-I say that for different reasons, one being that I rarely comment on DaPoppins blog, but it is CHRISTmas and the season doth cause me to write...anyways. You should try putting those blasted M&M lights on the tree. After doing that for a few years their charm quickly wears off. Actually, I think it's a little bit of the Christmas spirit. It gets into them and they come mischievously alive. Consequently, their little hands, arms and legs reach out to entangle themselves in the cord. You would not believe the strength those little suckers have. I think they're holding on for dear life, or perhaps they dread the day when they will be placed back into the dark box and forgotten about for another year. So they do their best to prolong the event by being extremely difficult when they are being placed on the tree. Oh well, when I am considerably older, and my children have married and have their children, I can share the story of how grandpa wrestled with and defeated the M&M guys every Christmas. I am sure the little boys will love it.

  4. Love the song! I also love those m&m's looking at baby Jesus, except one of them looks like he's up to no good.

  5. I'm glad you put it to good use (song?). Are you sure you weren't writing about my family/three kings?

    No nativity is complete without M&M's smiling like Cheshire cats at the baby.

  6. lol..luv the m and m's..mmmmmmmmm!

  7. teehee...I love the m&ms looking at the baby Jesus! :)


  8. teehee...I love the m&ms looking at the baby Jesus! :)


  9. Our kids used to love the m&m lights too. =) Blessings.. Polly

  10. Oh my gosh.
    I was just loving it. I laughed like BlondBlogger said - the looks on the faces around the manger look a bit, um, psychotic. Who knows -- maybe they survived unknown chocolate terrors to get to the manger.

    Then Tresspasser Will (for short) or TW for shorter -- got my jollies going. That was too fun.

    The tales to tell in the future -- how the m&m's outnumbered him -- I mean, sheer numbers can be overwhelming.

    Too fun.

    Love the Christmas train!!

    RYC - I got a laugh - I'm usually the one to buy the cartoon paper.

  11. Oh the inhumanity of it all!!!

  12. Hi, I've been having difficulty getting on your blog. I have the oldest computer in the world. My computer locks up on some blogs with fancy borders. You always leave such nice comments. I sneaked on my husbands computer. You made me laugh. My hubby has a collection of m&m christmas tins. Well yes you can use my little photo. I got it from a free clip art site. Again thanks for the comment if you change yourself comments to a nonreplyblogger I can email you back. Maybe I'll get a new computer for christmas. Thanks and Blessings, Denise

  13. Anonymous5:25 AM

    The green one scares me. Shiver.

  14. What a riot! I LOVE it!
    Sending Season's Greetings your way!
    Sandra Evertson

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    M&Ms at the nativity!
    I love it!

  16. oh yeah. that's a nice pile of m&ms looking over your baby lord and saviour.


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